What are the Different Grades of DE?
Diatomaceous earth has a variety of uses. These different uses fall under different categories depending on the intended use for diatomaceous earth. It's important to be aware of the differences and to look for food grade diatomaceous earth for most of your organic needs. Whether it's a deodorizer for your carpet or controlling fleas on your pet, food grade diatomaceous earth is the recommended grade to use. Check out the labels before you purchase any diatomaceous earth.
Labeling Food Grade DE for DiatomaceousEarth.com
For our customers, we wanted to offer the best diatomaceous earth possible. This meant working with a partner that would go through all the testing necessary to ensure the purity of the DE we sell. To sell food grade diatomaceous earth, we went through the Food Chemicals Codex (FCC), meaning it meets the minimum requirements to be sold in the food industry as a filter aid. For example, one-way food manufacturers use DE is to filter beverages as part of the production process.
Going through this testing allows us to label our diatomaceous earth as food grade. We are proud to sell such quality food grade diatomaceous earth; however, to sell DE as an insecticide, we followed different regulations. We tested through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and one of their stipulations was not labeling the DE as food grade on the box.
Pool Grade Diatomaceous Earth
It's important to be aware of pool grade diatomaceous earth. Because of the porous nature of the diatom, it has the ability to filter impurities, even in water. To achieve the pool grade, they heat the diatomaceous earth to high temperatures. This heating process alters the diatomaceous earth enough that it won't work in your home, yard, or garden-like food grade does.
Feed Grade Diatomaceous Earth
As mentioned before, diatomaceous earth has to go through certain testing to be branded as food grade. This grade is not as common anymore because most people use food grade on their animals. It's possible to still find diatomaceous earth that has only been graded for animal use. Double-check the label when purchasing diatomaceous earth to see what testing it has gone through.
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Generally, this is the best grade to use. For almost all the uses described in our articles, we recommend using food grade. It's a multipurpose product that can be used in your home, yard, or garden.
With diatomaceous earth, you should stick with a brand you trust. Knowing your diatomaceous earth is organic and regulated will give you greater peace of mind as you use this product around your home and loved ones. If you have any questions about food grade diatomaceous earth, post a comment on our Facebook page. You can also go to our Contact page and send us a quick email or chat with us online.