Diatomaceous Earth Dries Flowers
According to a survey by the Bombay Company, the top 5 most popular garden flowers in America include Iris, Tulips, Lilacs, Zinnias, and, of course, Roses.
One of the best things about late spring is the wide array of flowers and colors you see growing in your own garden. Some of those flowers will last just a few weeks and some will last all the way until the first frost.
You may want to keep those May flowers year-round though, use them to decorate your house and keep the memory of this spring's best blooms.
By using Diatomaceous Earth, you can preserve some of your best gardening and the most colorful flowers from spring with just some time and cuttings from your flower beds.
Step 1:
Take the flowers you would like to preserve and hang them upside down in a dry place. After the flowers begin to dry out (after 2 or 3 days) you can use DE to help preserve them further.
Step 2:
Get an airtight container and put a layer of DE in the bottom. Lay your flowers on the DE; be sure that the leaves or flowers don't touch one another.
Step 3:
Then dust the flowers inside with some more DE using a sieve and seal the container. Leave the container untouched for 3 to 4 days.
Step 4:
Then Reopen the container and turn the flowers over. Close the container for another 3 days.
Step 5:
After, remove the flowers from the container and gently brush the DE off the flowers and arrange them as desired for those long winter months where flowers are few and far between.